Thursday, December 24, 2009

snow pictures

here's some snow pictures -

the mud room has become a 'snow room'

walker's interest in shoveling disappeared when the snow was above his knees in the morning - and alice never showed any interest in it at all  - she was just enjoying the day -

sara's new garden shed / greenhouse held up well in its first winter weather, and the chickens are cozy in their little roosting area

December Snow

We've had a lot of snow - at least a lot for Virginia.  The snow plow situation isn't quite the same as Wisconsin.... but its been a chance to slow down, and to get out the shovels.

We leave December 29th for four months in England, and then four months in Japan.  We are gearing up to Christmas, clearing some of our stuff for our renters Benjamin and Deborah, and packing for eight months on the road.  The cat can't seem to figure out what's going on.